Bungee jumping in the Corinth Channel

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Bungee jumping in the Corinth Channel

About the activity

Experience one of the most exhilarating bungee jumps in the world in the Corinth channel in Greece!

Try out the most exhilarating bungee jump in Greece, in the famous Corinth channel. An amazing sensation awaits you while you jump in the middle of the channel, trying to reach the seawater beneath. Suddenly while you bounce back, you will see the blue colour of the sky reflecting perfectly on the sea. It's one of the most incredible bungees jumps in the world and you should give it a try while in Greece!

Bungee jump in the Corinth channel from 70 metres high, in between two rocky walls of 21 metres wide!

You will meet your instructors at the Corinth bridge, an hour away from Athens city centre.

Once you are in the centre you will get introduced to the magic of bungee jumping. After thorough preparation, you will get harnessed and then take the first steps on the bridge before bungee jumping. Whenever you feel ready, it's time to let go and let yourself free fly off the bridge into the channel. Feel the sensation of pure freedom while you jump in the void, and try to capture that moment for the rest of your life. Once you have finished bouncing, you will be lifted back to the bridge.

An amazing bungee jumping experience you shouldn't miss while in Greece. The Corinth channel is 21m. wide making it the absolute spot for bungee jumping globally!


Average rating


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Marina A., Greece — 16/10/2023
It was the best thing i have ever done. I believe everyone should try this once in their life. The adrenaline rush you get mid air is unreal!
Kushmanda N., Mauritius — 12/11/2022
It is very well organised and the jump was just marvellous.
Sami K., Finland — 06/08/2022
Great place to try bungee jumping. Videos were a nice addition.
Taylor C., United States — 22/05/2022
The jump was a phenomenal thrill - I’ve held a lifelong fear of heights but went sky diving several years ago and the fear waned adjust enough for me to finally want to bungee, and holy cow was it entirely worthwhile! The rush of free falling followed by the spring back up can’t be sufficiently described in words, but it was amazing. The bouncing didn’t really jerk me around like I expected it might, so it was a smooth ride which was a nice surprise too. Take the time to make the jump - even if you need an extra moment to breathe on the edge before you fly, it’ll be a memory you hold forever!
Janis Ilmars A., Latvia — 24/04/2022
Very good instructors! An unforgettable adventure! Perfect attitude!

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