Kayaking down the Genil River in Benameji, Cordoba

1 half day
Occasionally sporty
From 18 years-old and up

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Kayaking excursion

About the activity

Discover the strength of the currents of the Genil river and enjoy the different obstacles while paddling down the Genil river aboard a kayak.

Discover the strength of the currents of the Genil river and enjoy the different obstacles while paddling down the Genil river aboard a kayak.

If you are looking for fun, adrenaline and overcoming challenges, don't think twice and go for a kayak trip on the rapids of the Genil river. It's one of the best experiences you can have in Andalusia.

If you've already been rafting and are ready to take it to the next level, then kayaking is the way to go. Kayaking is done in a smaller boat, the force of the water will pull you along and the feeling will be more intense and exciting.

Don't worry about safety, the team of professional guides will have your back and will accompany you so that you have a great time and feel safe at all times. They will guide you through the rocks, whirlpools and other obstacles of the Genil River in Benamejí, Córdoba.

The Genil will demand all your strength, energy and concentration, but you will end up completely wet and with a big smile on your face. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy kayaking down the Genil river in Benamejí, Córdoba.

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Cordoba: Our selection of activities