Valcarlos Canyon by night, in the Basque Country

Organized by
3 hrs
Occasionally sporty
From 14 years-old and up

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Valcarlos Canyon at night

About the activity

If you want to add a touch of originality to your canyoning activity, why not try the Valcaros canyon by night in the Basque Country?

If you want to add a touch of originality to your canyoning activity, why not try the Valcaros canyon by night in the Basque Country?

This 2h canyoning adventure allows you to discover the Valcaros canyon, in the heart of the Pyrenees, in a unique atmosphere, after nightfall. All your senses will be awakened as you move through this natural site located a few minutes from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port.

At night, canyoning takes on a totally different dimension: your only source of light will be your headlamp, as well as that of the other members of your group. If you're lucky, the moon may also light up a few spots... In any case, the activity is suddenly more about feeling than admiring the landscape around you! A totally unusual experience to try at least once in your life!

What's more, the Valcaros canyon is accessible even to beginners. If you can swim and are not claustrophobic, you can go for it and have a great time. For your safety, you will be supervised by professional and accessible instructors who will be happy to share their canyoning experience with you.

Book your night canyoning in Valcaros, in the Basque Country, and enjoy an unusual and memorable experience!


Average rating


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  • Terrible
Virginie C., France — 26/07/2023
Activité originale et idéale pour des ados novices (>15ans) car assez intense et de jolies sensations au bout. Entre la technique de marche sur les rochers glissants, la notion de sécurité avec la partie en rappel, les sauts, les glissades … un bon combi 👍 Je recommande tout de même des gants légers car entre les cordes, les glissades, des gants ne sont pas de trop ( risque d’ampoule)

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