Classic winter tandem paragliding flight from Grossarl, Austria

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2 hrs
Everybody welcome
From 6 years-old and up

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15 minutes tandem flight

About the activity

Enjoy a 15 minutes paragliding flight with a professional instructor. A winter tandem paragliding flight over the snow-capped mountain is a unique experience!

Take off from Mount Kreuzkogel at an altitude of 2027 meters for an incredible flight in the middle of the mountains!

Go and enjoy the fresh air and the unbelievable snow-covered nature in the south of Salzburg. Don't miss the chance to fly in breathtaking landscapes with professional instructors.

Paragliding in the winter is possible when you know the right spots to take off! You'll glide from the slopes and into the air for a magical experience!

You'll meet with your instructor at the cable car in Grossarl. There's a bus station there so you can easily get to the resort.
Going up with the cable car is a chance for you to get to know your pilot a bit, and ask all the questions you may have on your flight.
You'll need to fill in a flight ticket with risk instructions and the flying terms and conditions prior to the flight so that you have full insurance coverage.
Your instructor will brief you on the flight and security procedures.
And... It's flying time!! Usually, you just need to let yourself glide down the slope to gain speed and take off the ground (with skis or not).
From the moment you're in the air, you can just sit back and relax while enjoying the view.
If you are willing to try, your instructor can do special turns and stunts that expose you to centrifugal forces! Adrenaline rush guaranteed.
As the passenger, landing is a piece of cake - you only need to stretch your legs, and that's it!


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Niko D., Germany — 22/01/2023
Sehr gut

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