Tandem paragliding distance flight from Hintertux Glacier to Mayrhofen

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1.5 hr
Occasionally sporty
From 16 years-old and up

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Distance Flight

About the activity

Fly for 25 km on this tandem paragliding flight, and explore the view from Hintertux Glacier to Mayrhofen.

Fly for 25 km on this tandem paragliding flight, and explore the view from Hintertux Glacier to Mayrhofen.

Tandem paragliding: what is it?

In contrast to skydiving, you fly high in the air. In a harness, you sit pleasantly and safely. When flying in tandem, one pilot controls the paraglider. Long-haul flights are also possible with it. The pilot is a seasoned expert with extensive training. On the tandem flights, you may take in the breathtaking scenery and the special experience. With their calm and routine, the tandem pros handle everything and allay any anxiety or fear of flying.

Together, you will go on this amazing voyage. View the Hintertux Glacier from above, not many people have the opportunity to do so. Tandemprofis Zillertal only employs the finest pilots, including several Austrian national champions and world cup pilots, whose expertise ensures your safety.

Start at the Hintertux Glacier with a flight to Mayrhofen, approx. 25 km with flight altitudes over 3500m above sea level.

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