La Bollène canyon near Nice

1 half day
Occasionally sporty
From 12 years-old and up

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La Bollène canyon

About the activity

Mat & Eau offers you to go further in canyoning with the Riou de la Bollène canyon near Nice!

Mat & Eau offers you to go further in canyoning with the Riou de la Bollène canyon near Nice!

Fun and aquatic, the Bollène canyon has all the ingredients to spend a good day near Breil-sur-Roya and the cities of the French Riviera! Located in the Vésubie valley, at the foot of the Turini coniferous forest, this canyon offers many jumps and slides that will allow you to reinforce your skills in descent. A superb abseiling descent of 20 meters will give you real thrills on the course!

For the practice of this activity in the canyon of Bollène, it is recommended to have already practiced canyoning because the conditions of descent are a little more difficult than on the discovery canyons. For people with an intermediate level, you can also discover the Riou de la Bollène, reserved for people who have already practiced a canyoning activity.

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