Electric bike rental in l'Ile aux Moines Port

From full day to 7 days
Everybody welcome
From 4 years-old and up

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1 day rental
full day
5 days rental
5 days
3 days rental
3 days
7 days rental
7 days
6 days rental
6 days
4 days rental
4 days
2 days rental
2 days

About the activity

Discover Ile aux Moines by bike and explore the surrounding area!

Discover Ile aux Moines by bike and explore the surrounding area!

Véloc'Ouest offers you a choice of rental periods: from half a day to a week. Don't hesitate to ask for recommendations for cycling routes when you visit Véloc'Ouest.

Choose the number of electric bikes you need, collect them from the shop and set off on your adventure!

Fancy a short cycling break? Don't miss the blue route linking the town to the south of the island! Stroll around and discover the dolmens and fountain along the way.

Prefer a longer hire? You'll have time to drive along a coastal path to the pointe de Brannec.

There's a ride for everyone, with different types of scenery, so you're bound to find one to suit you!

The Véloc'Ouest electric bike has a range of 70km and is fitted with a battery on the luggage rack.

So don't hesitate, hire an electric bike in Ile aux Moines and saddle up to discover new panoramas!

Need help?

A team of experts
Here to assist you 7/7
100% Secure Payments
By credit card or Paypal
Weather Guarantee
Free rescheduling or refund in the event of bad weather

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