Montcalm Adventure Park at Val-de-Sos in Ariège, near Foix

Organized by
1 half day
Everybody welcome
From 3 years-old and up

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Montcalm Aventure Park Entrance fee

About the activity

Come and have fun with your family or friends at the Montcalm adventure park in Val-de-Sos, near Foix!

Come and have fun with your family or friends at the Montcalm adventure park in Val-de-Sos, near Foix!

The Montcalm tree-climbing park at Val-de-Sos is located near Foix, just an hour and a half's drive from Toulouse. Ideal for a half-day's adventure in the Pyrénées Ariégeoises Regional Nature Park, it offers 11 tre climbing courses between glades and forests on the banks of the Vicdessos stream:

White course "Ourson" - Accessible from 90 cm, it offers 10 workshops for the youngest to discover canopy tour in Ariège ;

Yellow course "Marmotte" - Accessible from 1m10, it offers 11 workshops to allow the youngest to take height;

Orange course "Renard" - Accessible from 1m10, it offers 12 workshops and is the last level before switching to the "adult" courses;

Green course "Ecureuil" - Accessible from 9 years old/1m30, it offers 10 new games for little ones who are starting to gain height: tightrope walkers, footbridges, zip lines and logs;

Blue course "Gypaète" - Accessible from 11 years old / 1m40, it offers 15 games for the most daring and is a little higher and a little harder than the green course for more sensations;

Magenta course "Grand Tétras" - Accessible from 11 years old / 1m40, it has 15 games, including 10 zip lines up to 120 meters long;

Red course "Isard" - Accessible from 13 years old / 1m40, this is a course perched at the top of poles and trees with a Tarzan jump, slackline and suspended bike;

The Sensation Tower, or the heart of the Montcalm Adventure Park - this is the starting point for the adult courses, with sensational jumps in the BigAirBag: 3 free-fall heights are available (3, 5 and 8 meters) under the supervision of an instructor in charge of your safety, as well as an 18 meters jump also known as "QuickFly" with the help of a special device. There is also a large slide accessible from the age of 4, starting at a height of 8 meters at full speed!

Packed with thrills for all the family, the Montcalm adventure park's tree climbing courses are just waiting for you to enjoy some unforgettable moments in the Pyrénées Ariégeoises Regional Nature Park!

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Ariege: Our selection of activities