Rafting Excursion on the Numedalslågen River near Geilo

Organized by
3 hrs
Occasionally sporty
From 12 years-old and up

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Rafting Excursion

About the activity

Attention outdoor adventurers, this thrilling 3-hour rafting excursion on the Numedalslågen River near Geilo is not to be missed!

Outdoor adventurers take note, this 3-hour rafting excursion on the Numedalslågen River near Geilo promises an adrenaline filled-ride to remember! No prior rafting experience is necessary.

The Numedalslågen River is one of the longest rivers in Norway, flowing through the picturesque Numedal Valley. It is known for its scenic beauty, fishing opportunities, as well as its significance in Norwegian history and culture. The river's swift running currents also make it ideal for water sports.

With a maximum capacity of 48 participants, this rafting tour can accommodate 6 people per raft with a certified instructor. This traversing a total of 8 km (5 miles), the rapids range in level from grades 3 to 4.

Your rafting experience begins after being greeted by your certified instructors at the meeting point. After you've received a comprehensive safety briefing, you'll change into your wetsuit and receive neoprene shoes, a helmet, and a life jacket. Then, you'll take a short but scenic 15-minute ride to the departure location. Upon arrival, you'll put on the rest of your gear and board the raft. That's when the fun starts!

You'll learn basic paddling and rafting techniques with the guidance of your instructor before embarking on a journey to remember. Depending on the water levels, you'll conquer Numedalslågen River rapids such as The Conrads, The Angels Pathway, and The Cocktail, to name a few. Feel a rush like no other as you navigate the powerful river currents and white water like a pro.

Once you've disembarked, you'll take the shuttle back to the base. Where a warm shower and a delicious snack of sausages, salad, and bread await you. The perfect way to end an unforgettable tour!

This thrilling 3-hour rafting excursion on the Numedalslågen River near Geilo is not to be missed. Take your vacation up a notch and book your next adventure in Norway today!

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