Survival TrainingSurvival course in the Breme valley near BesançonOrganized by Time On TargetBesançon, FranceFrom 2 days to 3 daysFrom€189
RaftingInflatable Kayak Trip down the Loue Gorges at Ornans near BesançonOrganized by AKILA Gorges de la LoueBesançon, France1 half dayFrom€49
Via FerrataVia Ferrata of la Roche du Mont at Ornans, near Besançon(1)Organized by AKILA Gorges de la LoueBesançon, France1 half dayFrom€20
Kayaking / CanoeingCanoeing and Kayaking in the Loue Gorges at Ornans, near Besançon(1)Organized by AKILA Gorges de la LoueBesançon, FranceFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€33
Survival TrainingWilderness survival course in the DoubsOrganized by Time On TargetBesançon, France2 daysFrom€189
Survival TrainingSurvival course in Besançon, DoubsOrganized by Time On TargetBesançon, FranceFrom 4 days to 3 daysFrom€259
Survival course in the Breme valley near BesançonOrganized by Time On TargetBesançon, FranceFrom 2 days to 3 daysFrom€189
Survival course in Besançon, DoubsOrganized by Time On TargetBesançon, FranceFrom 4 days to 3 daysFrom€259