Canyoning Descent of the Clue du Haut-Jabron in the Verdon, near Castellane

Organized by
3.5 hrs
Occasionally sporty
From 8 years-old and up

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Clue du Haut Jabron Canyon | Half-day

About the activity

Enjoy a great day out with family or friends in the Verdon by discovering canyoning in the Clue du Haut-Jabron, near Castellane!

Enjoy a great day out with family or friends in the Verdon by discovering canyoning in the Clue du Haut-Jabron, near Castellane!

The Clue du Haut Jabron canyon is a must-see near Castellane, with a course suitable for children aged 8 and over who can swim. Made up of obstacles that can all be bypassed, it is accessible to beginners who have never done any canyoning before! You can decide right at the heart of the canyon which jumps, abseils or natural slides you want to take or avoid, giving you an adventure perfectly suited to your level and your desires! What's more, the configuration of the canyon means that everyone can move along at the same time: no single file to keep you away from your friends!

This outing of almost 3 hours in the Clue du Haut Jabron is an ideal way to refresh yourself in an exceptional natural setting of limestone gorges. You will enjoy this experience alongside a qualified instructor who will provide you with all the equipment you need before the start of the course (neoprene wetsuit, helmet, harness, etc.) and will ensure your safety throughout the descent. You will enjoy a canyoning trip near Castellane which is full of discoveries and thrills, in a small group of no more than 10 participants per instructor!

With its crystal-clear pools and impressive geological formations, the Clue du Haut Jabron canyon is just waiting for you to discover the incredible thrills of canyoning in the Verdon!


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Annet J., Netherlands — 04/06/2024
We all loved it, what a thrilling and exciting experience!

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